Vatican Book Part 11 (final section)

Note: please be aware that this post mentions programming methods, and Christianity

Recontact Programming

The Jesuit Order has difficult recontact programming to break. This is why very few members of this organization attempt to leave. The recontact programming is based upon two main bases:

The use of infant attachment bonds, and the use of extreme (severe) pain and punishment methods should recontact fail. This is in addition to internal and external reprogramming if these first two fail.

Attachment and Loyalty Bonds

As mentioned previously, the Fathers bond the infant very early on, beginning in the womb when the birthmother rejects the fetus and the fetus comes to believe that the Fathers are the only source of love. This contines in infancy, with the infant being left in a completely dark room, and then “rescued” by the primary Father who gives the infant a bottle, among many other scenarios. The infant, over the course of the first year of life, bonds very heavily to their primary Father, and to Satan himself.

The child becomes extremely loyal to the Fathers, and it literally breaks their heart to think of being taken away. Numerous setups are done during early childhood, of the child being “kidnapped” and later “rescued” by the Fathers, and also of the child being taken away by “traitors” who torture and punish the child, who later escapes to the Fathers. These and dozens of other scenarios are used to reinforce the belief that the child can only be loved, and have their emotional needs met, by the Jesuit Fathers.

The Fathers are the only source of love and bonding the child is allowed to have, since throughout early childhood, all other bonds end up in either betrayal or death. The child literally learns to trust no one other than the Fathers.

Hell Programming

As the child grows older, the recontact program is tied to the internal hell. Recontacting the Fathers is considered a Prime Directive for the system, and failure to comply results in the belief that the system will descend into hell.

The presentation will have no idea that this is occurring. They will feel restless, driven, or even hyperactive when the program is runnning, or may battle tremendous guilt and depression, without knowing why. The programs run unconsciously, and therefore are difficult to identify until enough healing has occurred that the survivor can work with different brain states inside.

Hell programming has nine levels (much like Dante’s inferno). The first three levels will be on one level, the second three on a lower level, with three more at the lowest level, and beneath them all is the abyss (utter darkness). Each level of hell is tied to a prime trauma, as described above.

The first level of hell has individuals chained to poles; demons come and flagellate the victims with whips that have sharp rocks or points attached to them. Since infancy, the young child was taken to “hell” at night to “punish” them for “sins”, and so they have extensively internalized this punishment system. The controllers/guardians for this level originally were punished, then learned to punish others, in this same way, including flogging children and adults to death. They will hold the belief that what they are doing is “right” and that sinners “deserve” punishment, until healing comes and the demonic attachments and rights are broken internally.

The second level of hell involves individuals being chained to stakes and burned alive. Charon is the controller/guardian over this level, and as described above, believe that what he is doing is “right” and that sinners “deserve death,” until this part comes to Jesus and has healing. The presentation will undergo great grieving as these brutal punishers share their experiences, both as an infant, undergoing punishment, and later, as a punisher.

The third level of hell involves a chamber filled with bees that swarm upon individuals and sting them to death. Karydis is the controller for this level, and will have learned to take small children and adults to “hell” where they are swarmed and stung. The controller will have undergone this experience in infancy, first with painful bee stings; then in early childhood, being given anti-venom before being placed where bees would swarm and sting them. The child will have seen traitors tied to poles and stung to death, and will remember these traumatic memories. These memories are reinforced with virtual reality, which recreates the buzzing and the swarming and stinging.

The fourth level of hell involves rats that come and eat at the parts that are trapped there, tied to poles; or the rats will swarm around the parts and chew.

The fifth level of hell involves bugs that bite those within the chamber.

The other levels of hell include crushing, dropping and being torn apart demonically. The deepest level (just above the core) is the abyss, where utter darkness (the primal fear of abandonment described in infant programming) sits.

In addition to “hell,” leadership in the Jesuit Order is often also chained with what is known as :9 by 9″ programming, or one of its variations, which is layered on top of the hell programming.

7 By 7 Programming

7 by 7 involves seven different types of internal pain being placed in through the use of tesla wave and microbursts, as well as ELF and EHF waves. The child is placed within a machine that reads their brainwave activity, creates a specific brain map, and begins entrainment of the brain (over several sessions lasting from 6 to 10 hours, normally, over a period of months with regular reinforcement over the years).

The machine plays harmonic tones that the child has been taught since infancy to “follow” and enter into different brain wave states. As it does so, in one sequence, the brain is taught to rapidly drop brain wave states from high gamma to low delta/death state in less than a second. This causes extreme pain, and even seizure activity. The drops are entrained in over a period of time, with intervals between drops that can last from 4 to 10 seconds, depending upon the person’s recovery rate and pain tolerance. The individual’s infants are put through this sequence, which creates a “startle” reaction and the resulting infant terror.

Another sequence entrained in is a constant oscillating wave form with high-frequency waves that causes headache, extreme heat, and alternating bursts of pain at the limbic level.

Another sequence uses tesla waves, which cause extreme pain throughout the entire nervous system, in synchronized bursts (the sensation is similar to being stung by bees in every nerve at one time).

Another sequence causes a crescendo and decrescendo pounding within the brain, caused by increased intracranial pressure and heating, due to entrainment where microwave bursts hit the brain stem (through the auditory canal).

Another causes the sensation of a hammer pounding within the brain, at 4 to 6 -second intervals (“Vulcan’s Hammer”).

Another sequence is intermittent death: the heart stops and restarts.

When the individual attempts to leave, and stops first physical and then spiritual contact with the Fathers, these sequences are meant to cause the system to “implode” and cause either death or shattering of all systems. The longer the individual goes without contact, the higher the level of pain: there are seven different sequences, each with levels one through seven of pain (hence, the name, “seven by seven”). At peak, all seven programs are running at level seven, which normally results in the heart stopping, and/or core shattering.

The Jesuits consider this program completely unbreakable, since the suicide and psychosis rate for those who try to break it is extremely high. It takes a lengthy amount of time, safety, and significant support to break this, as well as extensive prayer, since the gradual buildup to core shatter level is meant to force the systems to recontact in order to avoid system death.

Experimental Programming

The Jesuits also engage in extensive experimental programming (Protocol I – V programs), which are used for expendable individuals. Protocol V is the classification for endpoint (physical or neurological death as the ultimate result) of the programs. They involve different forms of torture, and the use of new technologies to see the effects on individuals.

The West Coast of the United States has one of the largest experimental theta programming labs in the world; the other four are in Beijing,China (where infants are brought to the center by local contacts), in Russia, in the Ukraine and in East Berlin, Germany. There are other smaller centers that also perform experiments and collect data, including many universities and institutes around the world.

Helping the Survivor

Because of the high level of occultic training that Jesuits undergo, they will experience significant resistance at first from inside parts who feel that they underwent large amounts of pain and death in order to receive high status. These parts will resist giving up this identity, which gave meaning to their pain at the time they were programmed during early childhood, since this was the meaning assigned by their abusers to justify the abuse.

Other parts will resist change, or continue to contact, because they truly believe that by doing so, they are preventing the systems from being shattered, or from going to hell (descension) eternally. These beliefs will be held deep within, at the root of all system controllers, and unconsciously and subconsciously. The parts that hold these beliefs must be willing to come out, and examine the truth, and question what they were taught and programmed to believe. Unfortunately, doing so can cause the survivor to experience tremendous pain and internal pressure, not only from internal conflict and demonic, but from the terrible body memories programmed in to occur if the survivor tries to question old beliefs.

7 by 7 is one of the cruelest forms of programming ever invented. Those who undergo it experience intense, continuous pain until their unconscious mind and parts are able to give up all of the beliefs that drive the program, as well as giving up all spiritual attachments to the program. The top system and master controllers will all be tied to it, along with their infants, and all core splits. Parts are taught to beleive that noone can survive trying to heal from this program.

Breaking it is miserable; and the best helps include prayer, emotional support, the use of medications or herbs that slow brain wave activity (since the pain comes from jumps in brainwave activity that are programmed in, or mini-seizures within the pain centers of the brain). The survivor will always battle suicide programming along with the pain, since core despair is also programmed in; they need to be told, and to believe, time and time again that they can break the program and survive.

V. The Goals of the Vatican: Alexis Paves the Way

The ultimate goal of the Vatican is to prepare the world for the advent of the antichrist, and to usher in the New World Order, which is greatly anticipated. To do so, they have created several mass mind control technologies, under the umbrella of Project Alexis.

Project Alexis

Project Alexis was conceived of in the 1940s, and the earliest forms of implementation in the 1950s were very experimental. It has three arms:

• Security;
• Finances,
• Behavior Modification.

Alexis actually means “without law” and the demonic principality which gave the information to the Jesuits on how to create this project is called Alexis (the spirit of lawlessness).


The security branch of Alexis is involved in the identification of and tracking of every individual in the world. This has already been accomplished today by assigning a numerical code (government ID number or social security number) to individuals, and forbidding them to work for money without this identification number linked to a photo ID and fingerprints.

This branch also involves the development of technologies used to track individuals who might try to “disappear” or not participate in the NWO agenda. This includes the ability to identify and track all individuals through their use of phone (GPS), car (GPS) and online technologies (one reason all laptops today have a camera that can actually show images of the person on the computer and an internal GPS).

Collection and collation software has become extremely sophisticated, and can track within seconds the entering in of data associated with an individual. ATM card use is also used for tracking purposes. The monitoring of phone conversations, emails and all electronic/digital communications of individuals considered “security risks” or antithetic to the agenda of the NWO is routine at this point.

There is no privacy in today’s high-tech age, and this is on purpose. Microsoft Windows has background software that automatically collects data on users, integrates with Google and other search engines, and red flags any users with a “high risk” profile. All modern browsers and operating systems (including freeware) do the same. Encryption software does not work for a simple reason: any offered publicly has already had the master key bought by those who ultimately work for the Vatican.

HD television has collation software that also works in the background, and that can record conversations for individuals considered “high risk” and send it forward.


The financial branch of Alexis has been in effect since the early 1970s, and involves the digitalization of currency, and the campaign to encourage acceptance of first ATM and microcards, and soon, identification chips, for all monetary transactions. This is already nearly in place in Europe (the EEU), and the United States is expected to follow suit soon.

The Vatican founded the World Bank, and it will be the center for finances throughout the world in the future. It already controls currency exchange rates, and helps to determine the rate of inflation in many countries at this time.

Another aim of Alexis is to cause worldwide financial panic, due to severe monetary devaluation, governmental and bank bankruptcy, and extreme inflation. The World Bank will then “step in” to gain control of this financial crisis. It will appear to offer a “solution” to governments and their populations, when in reality, they will gain control of the worldwide currencies.

Mass Behavioral Modification

Another goal of Alexis is mass behavioral modification, in order to prepare the general public to accept the New World Order and its leader. This mass modification was originally conceived of in the 1940s, and crude forms were implemented in the 1950s with the advent of television watching by the general population. Basically, it consists of subliminal images that are displayed at a rate of .03 microseconds, at a rate of 1200 per minute.

The images contain graphics of sexual acts, violence, bestiality, demonic rituals, as well as acts of hatred and brutality directed towards Jews and Christians. Other graphics espouse the coming world leader, and tell people to look forward to his coming. The main image in the graphics is that of Alexis, a composite woman formed by a team of behavioural scientists who studied what images are most pleasing to the most races. Alexis also has a voice, which is slowly being introduced in the background of many television and video shows. When she is finally openly revealed, she will be the “voice of the New World Order” and will appear to be familiar and loved by most, since she has been subliminally fed to the masses for years.

A hologram of Alexis will be used on television to calm people down, and tell them what to do when the NWO is revealed. Her voice tones were again developed by a team of behaviourists, who studied what type of voice appealed to the greatest number of people in all races and ages. Tapes (computerized) of the results have been made over the years. Alexis has already been giving subliminal and background commands to people for many years; they are just not consciously aware of this fact.

Alexis has been fed to the public via television, movies, video games, computer games and the Internet. If an individual watches any of these for more than a second, they will be automatically fed the subliminals. The subliminals tell people that “watching TV is relaxing,” “I need to go online, I enjoy it” and other messages to encourage time in these modes, and thus increase the programming. Even early childhood learning games, used in schools, have these subliminals embedded.

Themes of anarchy, rebellion, and violence are embedded in the Alexis modification. A feeling of impending doom and destruction (unless the world turns to the leader who will come and “save” them) is also embedded.

The Hollywood industry was created in order to also fulfill this agenda, and all major studios are funded by members of occultist groups. The top stars are all mind controlled, and the industry has the directive to encourage through the movies made, the acceptance of the NWO/occultist agenda.

VI. The Current State of the World (2017)

At this time, the New World Order is in place; it is simply not open. The detention camps and military are already in place, with detailed plans for each section of the world for the coming takeover. The New World Order is not a “future” event, but instead a present reality that is simply waiting for the signal to move into place.

Each country of the world, and continent, has Jesuit military commanders and generals assigned, who will give orders to their well-trained and disciplined armies (these armies train at night at most large military installations and in desert and remote regions throughout the world). The major occultic societies of the eastern and western world all have troops and generals ready to command their area of the nations the individuals are located in.

Crowd control technologies (based on tesla and EHF waves) are already in place. If resistance occurs, these will be used; they can cause extreme pain, unconsciousness, or death within minutes.

Once the takeover is complete, resisters are to be placed inside designated detention camps for either “rehabilitation” or death if resistance is final. Leaders within the Vatican and other occultic armies will assume teaching positions, to help implement the NWO directives within the different nations, and to explain the policies and what they mean.

These liasion ambassadors are fluent in every language, and thus are well-equipped to gain the cooperation of the governments (which are already heavily infiltrated and expected to give in without any resistance). Paramilitary and other groups that might provide resistance have been carefully profiled and infiltrated for years.

The one nation that has tried to resist this infiltration is Israel which is why they engender special hostility. To say that the Vatican and its arms have tried to infiltrate the Mossad and Israeli government over the past 50 years would be an understatement; yet to date, the success rate has only been moderate compared to other nations.

The Vatican has entered into numerous highly secret agreements with the Arab nations over the years, in its desire to destroy Israel. For instance, the U.S. financial families were instructed by the Vatican to pour money into engineering and other resources years ago into developing the oil reserves of the Arab nations. Why? Because the Arabs, like the Vatican, hate Israel, and the Vatican wanted them to modernize and be able to fight the Israelis; plus, oil gives them a method of blackmailing governments which have become highly dependent upon petroleum prices as an index for inflation rates.

Oil really is “black gold” and currencies that are no longer backed by gold standards often float based upon current oil prices. Governments now measure their wealth in large part on their current petroleum reserves, needed to fuel industry, transportation and heating, among other uses. The country that cannot purchase oil will lose its industry; and alternative energy forms (especially renewable ones) have been blackballed for years, since the Vatican WANTS the world dependent upon Arabian oil supplies; this allows them to control policies and encourage anti-Israeli initiatives.

Oil funds have also purchased large amounts of arms for the Arab nations over the years. This was one reason for the influx of foreign geologists into the Sudan region years ago: to quickly develop the oil reserves in order to fund anti-Israeli wars. The Vatican secretly despises the Arabian nations, but they work with them because of their deep hatred for the Jewish race.

The Vatican is also extremely anti-Christian, regardless of the pronouncements of the newest (Jesuit) pope. At its heart, the Vatican is satanic, serves Satan, and wishes to destroy Christianity. While the presenters in its armies may be Christian, the programmed parts will all be loyal to Satan and the antichrist until healing occurs. The anti-christian agenda of the Vatican has been seeded worldwide, with increasing numbers of laws designed to make biblical, authentic Christianity illegal. Within the next 15 years, it will be illegal (a “hate crime”) to be a Christian, and many believers will be faced with possible imprisonment for their faith.

The best possible preparation for the unveiling of the new world order is a strong faith in and obedience to the Lord. The Lord has promised that He, not satan, is in control of world history. While the Vatican can attempt to implement its strategies, it will not win. Revelations makes it clear who the true “winner” in the battle for the minds and wills of mankind is: the Lord of Hosts, who will usher in His millenial kingdom.

There is no mind control technology on earth, that can erase the deep down knowledge of the truth. People can be lied to from conception on, but once the truth is known, most will embrace that truth. This is the basis of healing: replacing the lies with truth, and choosing to walk away from lies.

It is important that the Christian Church “wakes up” to the late hour that we are in. As mentioned previously, the NWO is not a theory, but is nearly ready to come forward publicly. This is a time for Christians to be on their knees, and ask the Lord for HIS strategy for dealing with these things, and for the Christian Churches and their members to be willing to help the flood of survivors who will be leaving occultic societies such as the Jesuits during this time of repentance before judgment.

If you help survivors, pray that others will be raised who have a similar heart; that eyes will be opened to the truth and the need. Pray that the Church will no longer turn away from or disbelieve/discredit survivors, but instead will war with them to break the power of the kingdom of darkness. This is one of the best possible ways of putting into practical action the heart of Yeshua for mankind: to deliver those who are oppressed, and set free those who are captive.

Currrently, the Church is slumbering, and mainstream Christianity seems woefully unaware of the actual spiritual condition of our world today. We truly seem to be acting out the prediction of Yeshua, that in the last days, people will be “eating and drinking and giving away in marriage” and completely unaware that the forces of darkness are at work to draw mankind away from our only hope: Yeshua. My prayer is that the church will awaken to the truth, and take an active part in fighting against satan and his forces. This is intercession of the highest form, to work actively for the Kingdom of God and watch the enemy and his strongholds overthrown in the lives of individuals formerly chained to the occult.